Moses asked to see God’s glory—to have the Lord God show him His face—but God said, “You cannot see My face, for no one can see Me and live” (Exodus 33:20). While the Lord God could not show Moses His face, He did make His Presence partially known to him and “the skin of his (Moses’) face [became] radiant while he spoke with the Lord” (Exodus 34:29). God would later become flesh and dwell among us, perfectly revealing Himself in the Divine Person of Jesus Christ, His only Begotten Son and thereby allowing us to look upon His face and find peace.
Jesus left His Sacred Countenance on St. Veronica’s veil and, therefore, meditating on His Face is at the center of our parish life. St. Veronica’s veil is depicted at the front of our Altar in the center of the Sanctuary, is represented in the Stain-glass Window in the back of our Church, and is displayed in the Sixth Station of the Cross. Also, a statue St. Therese is placed in our Sanctuary because Therese of the Child Jesus asked to have “and the Holy Face” attached to the end of the name given to her when she entered the Carmel in Lisieux. There is great spiritual benefit to gazing upon the Face of Christ in the Monstrance during Eucharistic Adoration and to simply look at artist renderings of the face of Christ. Here are two beautiful images you may consider:

Finally, here are two great resources for meditating on the Face of Christ: